Chapter 14

he was born from the Virgin Mary. But no one knows why God did work like that. I’d like to explain it.

God told Noah, “I will wipe mankind from the Earth whom I have created. Then I will make a new people from your family.” God did as he planned. God was grieved that he had made man on the earth (Gen. 6:6). He also promised, saying, “Never again will all life be cut off by the waters of a flood” (Gen. 9:11). From those examples, we can see that God continuously tried to work with mankind to reach his goals.

The same thing happened to Moses. God was angry when the Israelites did not follow as he intended. Then he said, “Now leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you into a great nation” (Ex. 32:10). He tried to destroy the people who he had raised for four hundred thirty years in Egypt when they did not follow his plan. We can understand from this that God had something to accomplish in his mind. Did he try to accomplish it by himself? No. He needs humanity to do it.

Then what was the God’s intention? Humanity did not know

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Chapter 14

it. Nobody could know it, even imagined it. When God told sending his son through a virgin, did not he have any plan? He had!

When you want to make extra money, you can have others to do it. But if it is very important to you, you will do it by yourself. When God tried to do his work not through his servants but through his Son, his work must be very important. During his work, he prophesied that his son would be born as a man. He had a plan to accomplish something by himself. Abraham was the person whom God needed to begin his plan. Abraham himself was not important, but his plan to send his son as a descendant of Abraham is important.

So Jesus said that Abraham and all the prophets were important, but they were ultimately working for him (Luke 16:16). He meant that what was said in all the Scriptures in the Bible referred to him (John 5:39). God needed Abraham, Moses, and his other servants until the Baptist John to work for Jesus. Jesus meant that the work of all the servants of God was done, because he had appeared on Earth (Matt. 11:13).

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