Thousands of years passed until Jesus was born from the time of Abraham, which was the plan of God. God would not feel it was a long time in heaven, but it was for us.
Jesus spoke that his father is God and he came to accomplish his Father’s will (John 6:38-39). It was hard to understand at that time. Who could accept his words? He was just a son of a local carpenter of Nazareth.
When the person who God had prophesied came to this world, then he should do work to accomplish God’s will. What was it for Jesus? It was the crucifixion. After our Lord Jesus was baptized by John, he communicated with God for 40 days and nights to learn what he should do. Even though he was taught before, God also showed him what to do and how to do it more clearly.
So our Lord Jesus knew that he had to be crucified on the cross. But it was a very difficult task for him. That’s why he prayed to God before he was captured to be crucified, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matt. 26:39). Then when he was crucified on the cross, he said, “It is finished” (John 19:30). That means he stated that he followed and accomplished