Chapter 15

15. Jesus’ crucifixion

From the sermon on November 16, 1978 at the Memorial Worship Thursday Evening

The ultimate purpose of an offering in the Old Testament was to cleanse man of his sins by offering the sacrifice with the blood of animal. When they worshiped God with valuable things, the sacrifice reached God and their previous faults and mistakes were forgiven according to the sacrifice.

Because complete atonement could not be attained through the sacrifice in the Old Testament era, people who offered sacrifice were not able to be perfectly cleansed (Heb. 7:11). In order to make the imperfect atonement perfect, God sent us his only Son Jesus.

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Chapter 15

God’s only Son came to this world as a man to complete his work. He opened the way for us to get the blessing of the Holy Spirit so that we will be blessed to worship in front of the holy throne of God and live with God in heaven after the completion of God's Will.

Therefore, the ultimate purpose for which Jesus came to this world was not to cure our diseases, nor to walk on the water. His life on Earth had only one purpose: to fulfill the will of God by being crucified on the cross.

When the Son of God came to this world, he already knew what he had to do when he grew to a certain age. He knew that he would be taunted, ridiculed, and scorned by people and then be crucified so as to open the way for people to be revived from death.

Because he knew his fate, he was sad and depressed even as he preached gospels and performed lots of miracles. He knew exactly how he would be killed therefore he had to prepare for his death. He looked just like a normal man outwardly, and talked with people ordinarily, but he had something amazing in his mind that people could not imagine.

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