Chapter 15

to God again on his knees. He prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. His prayer was to decide his life. If he gave into the temptation, he could not face death. But he won against it.

When Jesus was preparing for his death, Judas came up the hill with other soldiers. Then he kissed Jesus to show who Jesus was. Jesus did not resist against his arrest because he had already seen it many times in the words of Isaiah. The prophet Isaiah already prophesied that Christ would be handed over like an animal in the slaughterhouse and like a sheep about to be shorn.

The person who the most painfully embarrassed him was Caiaphas, the high priest. In his interrogation, people spat in Jesus’ face, whipped him and then handed him over to the governor Pilate.

When Jesus was dragged off into the garden of Pilate in chains, beaten, he did not suffer any more pain as he prayed in the hill of Gethsemane. Because he was ready and had already passed his suffering, he was not angry about those who struck him with their fist and with a whip. Because he was already strengthened by angels God sent, he

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Chapter 15

was ready to die.

Pilate was surprised by the calm manner in which he faced his death. First, he tried to test him by whipping him. Usually, prisoners used to try to beg for forgiveness their sin. But Jesus kept silent. Jesus still made no reply, and Pilate was amazed. Then Pilate announced to the chief priests and the crowd, “I find no basis for a charge against this man.” He wanted to release him. But they shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” It went on as prophesied in the Bible.

Jesus’ hands were tied in front of him and he was badly tortured. But he did not reply. Many people mocked and laughed and cast stones at him, as priests paid them to do so. “Cast stones on Jesus when he is arrested. Then Pilate will not be able to release him because of your behavior.” It went as they planned. I saw all the details in my vision.

When I saw the scene in my vision that they struck and hit our Lord, I was mournful, leaped out and ran to him and held his tied hands on my knees. “Why do you keep silent with such painful suffering?” When I said this to him, he put his tied hands on my head and said, “Look carefully what

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