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Book and has the responsibility to accurately correct and complement the words of the Lord when he was in this world.

So everything about the spiritual world will be revealed substantially through the Overcomer. When the Lord Jesus was in this world, he said that he did not know how and when the last day would come. But having gotten to know about it, he is able to announce it to us through me, the Overcomer. Therefore, the spiritual world can be revealed step by step today.

There are three stages for the Lord Jesus. First, he was in heaven before he came to this world, then he came to this world as a son of man. Now, he is in heaven after the resurrection. However, his roles in each stage are different.

The activities of the Lord described in the four Gospels of the Bible were before he became the high priest in the order of Melchizedek. But many words spoken through me are from the Lord who became the high priest. That was described in the Bible as a new name written on a white stone (Rev. 2:17). The will of God and the Lord Jesus are recorded on the stone and known only to the Overcomer, who

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receives it.

Someone may repeat my words, but they cannot know the full contents written on the white stone. Because of that, it has not been revealed so far. But you can hear the providence of God and the will of the Lord Jesus through me. No one has known Jesus’ work for the two thousand years since he was resurrected. Today, only the Overcomer has met the Lord Jesus and heard his explanation for God’s providence and has been preaching the words of the Lord to you. Therefore, you are able to hear the words that the Lord wanted to say.

To distinguish the true work of God from the false, the Bible was written. In other churches, they say that anybody can be the Overcomer. Then why do they not know the hidden words of God? If anybody can be the Overcomer, many people should know the hidden words mentioned in the Bible. But that is not correct at all according to the Bible. The Overcomer only should know about the will of God and the Lord Jesus. Lots of admirable priests have introduced the words of the Lord when he was in this world, but are they able to talk about the Lord in heaven? No.

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