Chapter 21

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are deeply linked to our present work.

Isaac had a baby with his wife when he was sixty. He was married at forty and did not have a baby for twenty years. So became worried that he might never have a baby, because he had heard about the God's words from his father, Abraham. Abraham said to him, “God has been with me for my whole life. He explained to me that my descendents will be his people, so you should marry with whom I arrange for you.” He sent his chief servant to his country to find a bride for Isaac.

Then, Isaac married Rebekah and was expecting lots of children from her. But, to his surprise, he could not have a baby until he was sixty years old. After he had constantly prayed to God for a baby, his wife finally became pregnant. He was so happy about her pregnancy, but she felt something wrong in her womb. Nowadays, if a mother suffers a problem during a pregnancy, doctors would check it and treat it easily. But in the time of Isaac, if there were such complications, both the mother and the baby’s lives would be in danger.

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Chapter 21

Rebekah worried about her baby, therefore she prayed to God. “Dear God, I do not know much about you. But after my husband prayed to you, I became pregnant. However, I felt something wrong in my womb. Why is this happening to me?” Then God spoke to her in a vision.

“Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated. One people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger” (Gen. 25:23).

She woke up from her dream and touched her womb saying, “The babies will be born as God said.” So she told her husband what she heard from God in her vision. Isaac and his wife had kept the words of God in their mind.

When the time came for her to give birth, she had twin boys. The first to be born was red, and his whole body was like a hairy garment; so they named him Esau. After this, his brother emerged, with his hand grasping Esau’s heel; so he was named Jacob (Gen. 25:24-26).

Rebekah always remembered what God said to her in her vision: “The older will serve the younger.” So she paid more attention to the younger than the older.

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