Chapter 21

The boys grew up and Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open country, while Jacob was a quiet man, staying at home. Isaac, who had a taste for wild game, loved Esau, saying “Esau will be a hero and a big man.” But Rebekah always remembered the words of God, so she loved Jacob (Gen. 25:27-28).

Jacob bought Esau’s birthright from him for red stew (Gen. 25:33). Later, when Isaac was very old, he promised Esau that he would bless him if Esau would bring him food from hunting. Rebekah heard this and thought, “This is not right. God told me the younger will be greater than the older. I must do something for Jacob.” She called Jacob. Jacob did not know about God’s plan for him. Only his mother knew it. Rebekah said to Jacob, “My son, you should get your father’s blessing. Just do what I say.” She prepared some taste food for Jacob to serve his father and then finally Jacob received the blessing of Isaac (Gen. 27:23-29).

Because she knew that the older would serve the younger and the younger would be greater than the older, she tried to let the younger be greater than the older, following the words of God. Jacob was able to obtain everything from

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Chapter 21

his father. Because of that, Jacob was threatened by his brother and then finally he had to escape from him.

Here, who do you think made the birth of the twins from the mother, who had been barren for twenty years? It was God. Esau and Jacob were different from regular babies. We can see that the birth of these twins was the divine work of God.

Esau was supposed to serve his brother Jacob. It was the plan of God. The mother Rebekah let Jacob have his father’s blessing, but due to it Jacob had to escape from the threat of his brother.

Rebekah sent Jacob to her brother, Laban in Haran. He was Jacob’s uncle. Today, we can drive or fly somewhere in a short time, but back then they had no option other than to walk. It was a long distance for him to walk. Then the hard time began for Jacob.

God began to work on Jacob to make him his servant. God shaped Jacob’s life, from his birth until his death. If Jacob had been born as the older, he would easily have been able to get the birthright and got the blessing from his father. But he was the younger. Because Esau was tricked by

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