for God has accepted him” (Rom. 14:3).
Before I began the work for Jesus, he showed many things about God’s Will and taught the way to accomplish them. But the Lord Jesus told me, “Do not reveal what you have seen until the time comes,” because it would have been pointless to discuss it with those who could not understand and accept it. It takes time for people to understand the providence of God and to follow his Will.
Do you know why God let his people call him as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? The three people were symbols of God, Jesus and the Overcomer. In God’s providence, the three beings are most important. The lives of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were predetermined to show God’s providence. But until now, those were hidden as secret.
When Jacob lived for God, his life was very different from Abraham and Isaac, because it was the time God started his work through Jacob to make twelve tribes. Therefore, the circumstances of Jacob’s life - his being threatened by his brother Esau and having many children with four women - were parts of God’s plan.