to the people of Israel who listened to him. Even his followers could not receive the streams of living water, because Jesus was not crucified on the cross yet, as described in the Bible (John 7:39).
Jesus said that he had to be crucified on the cross to give the blessing of the Holy Spirit, so the people who followed Jesus could not receive it. Later, he has been crucified on the cross and glorified in heaven, but nobody has thought about the living water that will be sent to us.
Jesus promised the blessing of the Holy Spirit like streams of living water flowing from within us, but why has it not come to them despite the fact that Jesus has been crucified on the cross two thousand years ago? Nobody has been able to answer it, because Christians have not known about it at all.
Jesus knew after he returned to heaven that he needs the Overcomer to give the living water to those who thirst. Because the Overcomer had not come out, Christians had not been able to know about the living water and the contents of God’s words in Revelations.
In the Old Testament days, it was difficult for people to get