Chapter 25

represent? He was the symbol of Jesus. In one of David’s prophecies, he described what God said to Jesus: “The LORD has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek’” (Ps. 110:4).

Jesus became the first high priest in the order of Melchizedek after he was crucified on the cross (1Cor. 15:20). What is the high priest in the order of Melchizedek in heaven? We need to understand this.

God set Aaron as the high priest and taught Aaron how to worship him with sacrifice system. The shape and system of high priests on earth were the shadow of those in heaven. Therefore, there will be a Most Holy Place and a Holy Place in heaven as well (Heb. 8:5).

Our Lord Jesus went back to God’s world after he was crucified on the cross. After Jesus accomplished his work in this world, he deserved to receive the position that God had promised him. The position was the first high priest in the order of Melchizedek. God gave him a book sealed by seven seals. Because he had triumphed, he was able to open the book and its seven seals (Rev. 5:5).

When Jesus received all his power from God, all angels who

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were in front of God worshiped him (Rev. 5:11). He became a proxy of God and started working on the plan of God after he received all authority. As he said, “I have to go to prepare your place,” he prepared a place for those who were beheaded for the word of God and martyred for their testimony of Jesus. The prepared place is called “the Most Holy Place” where those who are eligible to be high priests can enter.

To be one of the high priests in heaven, they must receive a seal on their forehead in the name of God or in the name of the Lamb. There will be 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel (Rev. 7:4). They are come from every people and nation because of Jesus’ blood (Rev. 5:9). Therefore they are called “spiritual Israel” distinguished from the Israel in this world. They are confined in number and involved in the order of Melchizedek. Their names have been written in the book of life that belongs to the Lamb (Rev. 21:27). The task of the Overcomer is to complete that number.

One of the promises Jesus gave to the Overcomer is, “Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name

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