Chapter 26

Joshua cannot do it by himself. The Messiah, who is called the Branch, must come first and become the stone with seven eyes. After Jesus was crucified on the cross, he received seven eyes in front of God (Rev. 5:6). The seven eyes are the seven spirits of God sent to earth. Then God will remove the sin of this land in a day, which is the work to be done through the spiritual Joshua (Zech. 3:9). Those are all metaphors.

The associates of Joshua who are made through Joshua are the righteous, among the 144,000. Joshua must complete the number that will make up the army of heaven. God has been working towards this for four thousand years. So how important is it to finish the work of Joshua? That’s why God will give him the right to rule his house after Joshua accomplishes his work.

But Zechariah, who recorded God’s prophecy, could not understand the meaning. He just recorded what angels said to him, he was not allowed to know it, because it was a prophecy for the future.

God himself opened the sky and said directly to me about 15 years ago, “The work that I prophesied through Zechariah,

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Chapter 26

my young servant, twenty-five hundred years ago will be accomplished through you.” Those words came from Jehovah, not from Jesus. I have been working hard according to his words, even though I have had lots of difficulties.

The word that God prophesied twenty-five hundred years ago is being accomplished now. But how can you understand it if you do not know the providence of God and the spiritual world? The Spirit of God was always with Jesus when he was in this world, but Jews who did not know it sold him for thirty silver coins, and tortured, whipped, and then crucified him on the cross.

Even they did not recognize the Son of God, so how can you easily accept me as the Overcomer, the servant of God? As I always told you, my sermons are completely unscripted and unprepared. I have never fasted to receive the Holy Spirit. But, I deliver the words of God and Jesus to you. That’s an amazing thing.

The Holy Spirit is always with me wherever I go and whatever I do. When I preach the words of God, the Holy Spirit is always with me. You might experience this feeling after you have gone to the spiritual world. It is amazing grace.

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