Chapter 27

I saw a blank section and when God told me to look into it, it turned into a screen, like a movie. Therefore, I can preach what I saw in my visions, as if I describe scenes in a movie that I saw. Whenever I am preaching what I saw, the Holy Spirit helps me remember it as I go along, so that I can deliver the message powerfully.

When the angel asked Zechariah “What do you see?”, Zechariah also saw a scene like in a movie. He answered, “I see a solid gold lampstand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights. Also there are two Olive Trees by it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left” (Zech. 4:2-3). He asked the angel “What are these, my lord?” Then, the angel explained about Zerubbabel. Zechariah knew Zerubbabel because he was the governor in Israel in the time of the Persian Empire.

Zechariah saw many scenes in his vision, but he could not understand what they meant, because it was not necessary for him to know then. He just recorded God’s metaphorical explanation of his prophecy.

Zechariah asked, “I saw many things in the scene, but what do they mean?” Then the angel answered: You know Zerubbabel,

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Chapter 27

do not you? He worked hard to build the temple of God and was blessed by God. When he leveled off a mountain and bring out the capstone, many people were joyful, shouting “God bless it! God bless it!” It was not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God (Zech. 4:6-7).

He then explained about the seven lights of the gold lampstand. The seven lights on the gold lampstand are ‘the eyes of the LORD, which range throughout the earth’ (Zech. 4:10). The seven eyes are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth (Rev. 5:6). Therefore the seven lights are the seven spirits of God (Rev. 4:5).

The seven eyes shown in the scene of Joshua were connected to a stone, a metaphor for the Holy Spirit and the Messiah (Zech. 3:9). The seven eyes described through the metaphor of Zerubbabel were also related to two Olive Trees (Zech. 4:10). Therefore, we know that the stone, i.e. Jesus, and Olive Trees are associated with each other through the seven Spirits.

Here, the golden lampstand with a bowl reflected the worship service at the time of Zechariah. The lampstand indicates church, i.e. saints, to work for God as priests (Rev. 1:20,

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