I saw a blank section and when God told me to look into it, it turned into a screen, like a movie. Therefore, I can preach what I saw in my visions, as if I describe scenes in a movie that I saw. Whenever I am preaching what I saw, the Holy Spirit helps me remember it as I go along, so that I can deliver the message powerfully.
When the angel asked Zechariah “What do you see?”, Zechariah also saw a scene like in a movie. He answered, “I see a solid gold lampstand with a bowl at the top and seven lights on it, with seven channels to the lights. Also there are two Olive Trees by it, one on the right of the bowl and the other on its left” (Zech. 4:2-3). He asked the angel “What are these, my lord?” Then, the angel explained about Zerubbabel. Zechariah knew Zerubbabel because he was the governor in Israel in the time of the Persian Empire.
Zechariah saw many scenes in his vision, but he could not understand what they meant, because it was not necessary for him to know then. He just recorded God’s metaphorical explanation of his prophecy.
Zechariah asked, “I saw many things in the scene, but what do they mean?” Then the angel answered: You know Zerubbabel,