Chapter 27


Zechariah could not understand what he heard, so he asked again, “What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that pour out golden oil?” (Zech. 4:12). The angel replied, “These are the two who are anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth” (Zech. 4:14). “Being anointed” means being with the Holy Spirit. They are chosen by God and then become representatives to serve God all over the world. So when they appear, God sends his messages through them.

The role of the Olive Trees is to transfer golden oil to the people (lampstand) who believe in God. ‘Golden oil’ means the blood of Jesus Christ and is in the bowl of the gold lampstand. Therefore, Jesus said that two Olive Trees are his witnesses (Rev. 11:3-4), and explained their role as turning the waters into blood, i.e. Jesus' blood (Rev. 11:6).

The lamps are blazing with golden oil, which is the work of the Holy Spirit (Rev. 4:5). In other words, the Olive Trees give the blood of Jesus Christ to churches so that they can do the work of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the Olive Trees are to work with relation to Jesus Christ closely. All these things

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Chapter 27

were already planned even before God called Abraham to serve him four thousand years ago.

Now let’s look at it in detail. Because golden oil is the blood of Jesus, the Olive Trees who are supposed to give his blood to people would come after Jesus came in this world. Therefore, you may know Zerubbabel was a symbolic person indicating the Olive Trees who came after Jesus as his witnesses.

He leveled off the mountain and brought capstone to build the temple. Zerubbabel rebuilt the Jerusalem temple when he was the governor, symbolizing the role of the Olive Trees.

Leveling off the mountain means destroying the sin. In Isaiah, God prophesied that he will make a worm Jacob into a threshing sledge, new and sharp. “See, I will make you into a threshing sledge, new and sharp, with many teeth. You will thresh the mountains and crush them, and reduce the hills to chaff” (Is. 41:15). A threshing sledge is machine to gather crops. Threshing the mountains and crushing them means to cleanse sins when gathering crops. That is spiritual Jabob’s, i.e. the Overcomer's, responsibility. He cleanses

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