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not warrant you any mercy from God.

Jesus said, “Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matt. 10:16), meaning that we should be careful not to just believe in God without knowing ‘why’, but we need to know what is correct and what we have to do for our God.

The two Olive Trees in the Old Testament were mentioned only to Zechariah. Jesus Christ also mentioned them as his two witnesses in Revelations, but he just introduced what God already planned.

When I began to work on God’s plan, he told me, “The work that I prophesied through Zechariah, my young servant, twenty-five hundred years ago will be accomplished through you.” Zechariah recorded the prophecy of God and now I am working on his plan.

As you know, Zechariah spoke with an angel as if they were talking person to person. These days, if I say Jesus told me something in a vision, then people may consider me a false religious leader or a heretic. They may wonder why they should believe what I say. If you take a look at the Bible, God or angels explained something to the servants of

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God in detail.

God mentioned to Zechariah that the two Olive Trees will be anointed to serve God of all the earth. Therefore, when the prophesied persons appeared, God had to let them know his prophecy.

Everything that God showed Zechariah was in the book sealed with seven seals (Rev. 5:1), therefore nobody else knew what were written in it. Then, after Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross and became the high priest in the order of Melchizedek, he was able to receive all authority from God (Rev. 5:5).

I have told you several times that Jesus received all authority from God. So Jesus knows the entire plan of God now. If he were not the Messiah whom God prophesied or could not accomplish his work, he could not tell us the plan of God.

Jesus Christ has triumphed and received all power from God. The responsibility to fulfill the providence that God had planned was transferred to Jesus Christ. Because it is clearly true, it means that Jesus Christ has been ruling Christianity for the last two thousand years.

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