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the spiritual world (Rev. 7:4-8).

God told me, “Your sheep will come to my kingdom through this temple that you built.” The ‘kingdom’ does not refer to a place where any soul can enter, but the Most Holy Place where only those who are dressed in fine linen can stay.

Jesus Christ, the Lamb, will go to the war with his followers. So you can guess how strong the enemies are. To overcome the challenge from the strong enemies, the followers also must be strong; otherwise they cannot prevail in the war. Therefore the army must be like the Lamb. That’s why they are called high priests in the order of Melchizedek, like Jesus (Heb. 6:19-20).

When the number of soldiers in God’s army reaches 144,000, the Devil and his followers will be in grave danger. Jesus will take out the army in heaven to fight for the war against the evil. The army consists of 144,000 of special soldiers but the army of the evil is countless, like sand (Rev. 20:8).

When you take a look at an example of Gideon’s army, we may know that war is not just a matter of numbers. God

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needs only 144,000. When the beast brings his army, it will look like a war made by computer graphics in a movie. Revelations describes the war that will happen, but it looks like a novel. But you are only now hearing the real story.

Eternal peace in the spiritual world will not be made automatically. The war in spiritual world must first be finished won before peace can be achieved. Then the final judgment will be offered to all (Dan. 12:1-2).

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