Chapter 32

32. A time, times and half a time

From the sermon on December 2, 2001

When we read the Bible, there are many things we cannot understand. Among them is the phrase ‘a time, times, and half a time’ mentioned in Dan. 12:7 and Rev. 12:14. This is a very difficult and mysterious phrase, because it is top secret for the war between the Light and the Dark.

The exact meaning of this crucial phrase have been top secret, no one besides God has understood its implications. But he had to reveal the secret when he explained the ‘last day’ to me. What is the last day? The Bible says it is the day that God will triumph against Satan (1Cor. 15:26). We must first go through ‘a time, times and half a time’ before we can reach the last day.

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Chapter 32

‘A time, times, and half a time’ refers to a specific length of time. This time-unit describes the duration of the first phase of the spiritual war between God and Satan. It is not necessary for ordinary Christians to understand this concept, but only for the soldiers who will fight for God.

Daniel described: “It will be for a time, times and half a time. When the power of the holy people has been finally broken, all these things will be completed” (Dan. 12:7). It means there will be a war.

God used the term ‘A time, times and half a time’ when he referred to the period of the war during which the beast will rule the spiritual world, but God uses the term ‘1,260 days’ to denote his own part during the same period of time (Rev. 11:3, 12:6). They refer to the exact same period. Who will appear during the time that beast will rule? There is no one except the Olive Tree in the Bible who will prophesy the ‘1,260 days’ (Rev. 11:3, 7).

1,260 days are 42 months if every month is counted as 30 days. 42 months are three and a half years. God uses numbers to express his providence. The number three is for the work related to heaven, and the number four is to Earth.

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