Therefore the number 3.5 has the symbolic meaning of what is between heaven and Earth. In other words, the number 3.5 is related to the work interrupting cooperation between heaven and Earth in God’s work. That’s the Satan’s work.
Jesus began his work at thirty years of age and worked for three years. Then he was resurrected three days after his death. ‘The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit’ are three (Matt. 28:19). ‘The Spirit, the water and the blood’ are three (1John 5:8). These are examples of the usage of the number three used to describe God’s Providence in the Bible.
On the other hand, many servants of God on earth, for example, Moses, David, and Solomon worked for God for forty years. Moses was on Mount Horeb 40 days to receive God’s Ten Commandments. That means the number four is related to God’s work in this world.
God indicated the perfect number as seven which is three plus four, which means the cooperation between Heaven and Earth will complete God’s work. Therefore, Revelations mentioned the number seven several times, such as seven