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the time, Satan will disturb the side of God.

Therefore, the suppressed period will be a time of sorrow. So the people who prophesy for the fight between God and Satan will be clothed in sackcloth (Rev. 11:3). Will they suffer this sorrow forever? No. After they have finished their testimony, they will be killed by the beast (Rev. 11:7). It's the time after 1,000 years from their witnesses because the beast will be released and comes up from the Abyss only after 1,000 years in the prison (Rev. 11:7, 20:7). The beast will be given great authority to exercise it for 42 months from the Satan released from the Abyss (Rev. 13:2, 5, 20:7) After the three and a half days, a breath of life from God will enter into the Olive Trees, and they will stand on their feet (Rev. 11:11).

The Bible describes the scenarios of the war. Daniel foretold that Satan will try to change the set times and the laws (Dan. 7:25). Therefore, the two Olive Trees should also be ready for the change of them. The spiritual war will not be simple.

Daniel said that there would not be any war bigger than the final spiritual war (Dan. 12:1). It’s the war between the

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light and the dark. Most of the passages in Revelations are about the war. It looks complex, but simple to him who knows.

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