twenty-four elders. The sixth rank is for the 144,000 kings, who will receive the authority to judge and become the high priests in the order of Melchizedek. These six ranks will be for the level of kings in God’s world in the future.
As our world has different ranks in government, such as minister and vice-minister and so on, there will be ranks in heaven. The hierarchy in heaven will be more rigid and the rankings will be more numerous than they are on Earth. When our Lord God will reign, the Lamb will give all his authority back to him (Rev. 19:6, 1Cor. 15:25).
The 144,000 will reign with Jesus Christ for one thousand years as described in Revelations. One thousand years is not a long time in the spiritual world. This period will be before the eternal kingdom of heaven. But after the devil will be destroyed, the 144,000 will reign for all eternity (Rev. 22:5).