Chapter 35

at the person who is accomplishing the prophecy that John recorded.

John the apostle heard from the angel, “Write: ‘Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!’” (Rev. 19:9). We send invitation letters to close relatives and friends for our wedding ceremony. The letter contains the names of the bridegroom and bride and their parents. Here are the people who will be invited to the wedding ceremony of the Lamb and his bride. Who are they? Today, I am going to talk about those who are invited.

Those who are invited are not the Lamb’s bride as well as the Lamb. The invited are going to just attend the wedding. However, not anybody would be invited. Dear people, if you were to draw up an invitation list for your wedding, you would not invite someone whom you did not know. You would invite your friends, relatives, and someone who can help out at your wedding.

When the wedding of the Lamb and his bride (who are the 144,000) happens, the guests must be closely related to them. Only those who are related to the Lamb and his bride will receive invitations. Because the invited people will

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Chapter 35

be closely related to the 144,000 kings, they will be blessed as the angel said to John.

Because guests at a wedding are related to the bride, they can easily recognize the bride. You may not be able to imagine how the guests see 144,000 brides at a glance, but they will be able to see all the brides in the spiritual world. It may sound very strange to you.

As the bride is introduced in front of guests in this world, Jesus Christ will introduce his brides one by one and indicate how they are eligible to be his bride.

The place for the wedding will be similar to a dome stadium. Because you are now hearing about the heavenly wedding banquet place, you will recognize the place when you see it in the spiritual world.

Many people will be invited to the wedding. If 144,000 brides invite one hundred guests each, 14,400,000 will be gathered. There is no place that can hold such a number in this world. It will be difficult to imagine how big the hall would be. But the hall will be very luxurious. The size of the hall will be amazing.

God will officiate at the wedding. Jesus will be the bridegroom

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