Chapter 35

and 144,000 souls will be his brides. Guests at the wedding will envy the brides who will march into the hall wearing bright and beautiful linen. The brides will feel delightful and be proud of them.

In this world, when a bride marches into the wedding, she may feel so happy, but unfortunately that feeling would not continue for a long time. In heaven, the people who suffered pain for all their lives will receive bright and fine linen and enter into the hall with a guard of angels. The 144,000 brides will enter into the hall one by one, so it will take lots of time. But time is meaningless there, because it is the eternal world. It’s like a fairy tale.

As I tell you about the spiritual world, you may think heaven is different than you thought before. It will be more magnificent than you can imagine.

So who is going to shout: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns.” It will not be the bridegroom or the brides, but the guests. Because there will be so many guests, their voice was described like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder.

The spiritual world is such an amazing place. The 144,000

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Chapter 35

wearing fine linen will be welcomed by Jesus Christ. They will be called in order and led to Jesus Christ. Jesus will introduce them with all of their work for God in this world in front of the many guests.

Jesus showed me the ceremony in my vision, he explained like this: “This person worked for my Father or me, suffering great pain or death. So he is eligible to be my bride.” The person started to cry, even though Jesus had not finished half of his introduction. He was able to vividly remember the suffering he had experienced in this world and was overwhelmed with the Jesus’ rewards for his efforts. Jesus showed his appreciation for the person’s efforts wiping away his tears.

After the introduction, angels led him to his seat, still singing his praises. You may wonder how much the first seated man has to wait until all 144,000 are seated. You may think that the earlier they are seated, the more they may get bored. But you will never feel bored in the spiritual world. You will not feel suffering during the time when all of the 144,000 will be introduced.

Many guests will look at the 144,000 who are seated with

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