Chapter 2

guide showed me the memorial hall of Dante. I also saw the church he used to go to, a painting of his beloved woman and his bust. Dante believed in Jesus and wrote the novel ‘The Divine Comedy’ from his imagination of hell described in Revelations and the Purgatory. The story sounds very interesting to people who do not know about the world of the spirit after death. I also read the novel. The description of hell in his book is not accurate, but quite funny in my opinion. But when people read his book, they may think it to be true. The book was very well written so that the readers may get a feel for what hell looks like.

Why should hell be created? God will create hell because of his enemy. He will make it in his kingdom. He showed it to me 33 years ago.

Before God showed me hell which is yet to be made, I also believed that hell existed under ground. Because there are words like “Hades” in the Bible, I thought hell may be under the ground and that spirits are tormented in the dark. But that’s not true.

God’s world is very large. The world is beyond what we can imagine. Our world is in a solar system where light is emitted

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from the sun. But the world of God does not need light from outside, because God is the light of glory. The kingdom of God is made of God’s splendor, and hell is made in the kingdom of God without the splendor. There is only darkness in hell.

Hell is in the kingdom of God, not in the world of the devil nor under the ground as we have imagined. When God will create a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1), God will also create hell to punish the people who were leaders in evil and their followers, according to their behaviors. Hell will be a place of pain.

Has hell already been created? No. It has not been created yet. Why? The sin of each person should first be accurately judged, so that hell can be designed according to the number of sinners and the amount of their sin. Hell will not be made before this judgment.

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