Chapter 39

When I saw the scene in front of Satan, the sounds of worship from people were coming out of the burner while Satan was seated in his big throne. His subordinates were seated on his right and left side. Fire was coming out from his eyes. I was scared. He was taking all the sacrifices coming from the earth.

After Satan took the sacrifices, he commanded his followers to bless the people who offered them. He makes people rich or cures their diseases. The Bible never mentioned Satan as I saw him.

The spiritual world was more complex and luxurious than it is described in the Bible. Jesus revealed a little about Satan in Revelations. But actually there were a lot of amazing things in the world of Satan.

When a devil has charge of a sea, it rules only the sea. When a devil has charge of some mountains, it rules only the mountains. The devil that came down to Jesus to test him had been given the authority to rule the entire Earth (Luke 4:5-6). Satan has many subordinates and gives them their authority.

If a person who used to worship Satan stopped offering sacrifices,

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Chapter 39

subordinates of Satan would give him a hard time. For example, some bad accidents or bad luck would hit him and his family. Then if he were to resume the offering to Satan, his bad situation would disappear. This is what Satan does always.

If a person who used to offer sacrifice to Satan denounced his faith and switched his allegiance to God, Satan would try to take him again. He would have horrible dreams at night. Therefore some people stop believing in God. All of this happens because of the evil spirits.

After Jesus gave me his words for the first time, hundreds of venomous snakes were attacking me in my vision. It was exceptionally frightening. Then Jesus commanded me to blow out power to them from my mouth. Then the snakes melted down by the power. It was the power of the Holy Spirit that can break the power of Satan. What I saw in the vision has come true in real life. The power of Holy Spirit comes out through me. The power of Jesus Christ overpowers the evil spirits of Satan.

Therefore, Satan hates the Holy Spirit. He is scared of the Overcomer who is always with the Holy Spirit. The Overcomer

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