Chapter 3

3. The Plan of God

From the Sermon on January 22, 2006

During our lifetime, as Christians we praise only God because we know only God’s work. That’s our limitation. Why? God always emphasized to his servants that he, the Lord, is the best god.

Therefore Christians have never recognized that our God has fought against other gods. In fact, from the beginning of Genesis, our God has worked on his providence with humanity, while he has also faced oft against other gods. But it has not been pointed out to us so far. First of all, the target in Christianity is letting humanity know about God. You cannot discuss other gods to people who do not even know about our God.

30 The Witness of the Olive Tree
Chapter 3

Can parents tell their young children in kindergarten, “You must support our family as a man”? No, they cannot. First, the children must be educated, taught about this world, and raised to adulthood. Then only can the parents talk to them about their duty to their family.

If we recruit young people who have never had military training and just give them weapons and send them to war, are they able to fight against enemy? No, this would be useless. They should be trained first to be great warriors so that they can infiltrate enemy’s camps and achieve their mission.

The plan of God is to liberate people from the devil’s rule (Luke 4:5-7). This has been true since the beginning of time. The Bible starts with the Garden of Eden, from where Adam and Eve, who were created by God, were expelled out because they were taken by the forces of the devil. God had no choice but to kick them out of the Garden of Eden, but he wants to bring them back to him. That’s the essence of the history of God’s work (Acts 3:21).

The apostle, Paul said, “So it is written: ‘The first man Adam became a living being’; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit.

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