Chapter 40

in the church.

And then God showed me the region of the Harvest Temple and it was in Cheongpyeong area of Gyeonggi Province. God indicated that the size of the parking area for the temple had to be 250 meters in length and 50 meters in width. So I carefully measured the construction site and calculated the dimensions in my vision.

And then, on February 20, 1983, he showed our Harvest Temple surrounded by plants. Even though he showed me the mountain, I hadn’t visited mountains many times, so I just thought it would seem to be overgrown with trees and have a fine view.

After that, I saw the succeeding vision, in which the temple was completed and the grass was laid in front of it. With bright lights, people were enjoying and talking with each other until midnight. It was almost as if it were real. I did not have any idea how I could finish the construction at that time so I was filled with a deep sense of gloom. But when I woke up I was happy to have seen the delightful scene of sheep in the splendid and bright light in our temple. In this way, God showed me a sketch of our temple on

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Chapter 40

February 20 in 1983.

After one year, on August 20 in 1984, God directly instructed me about the shape of the temple. The shape of the upper part of the tower of Harvest Temple is like torchlight and that of the annex building is the same. It looks like a snail and a conical bell. The tower on the temple is six meters high and the one on the annex building is only three meters high. But if you look at those towers in the parking area from further down the hill, they appear to be the same size because the temple is located higher and farther than the annex building. It looks like two flames standing next to each other if you see them from the parking area at night.

As you know, Rev. 11:3-4 says: “And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth. These are the two Olive Trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth.”

The two conical bell towers stand for the two lampstands to worship God. The towers look like flames when we turn on the light at night. God instructed me to make the two

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