towers to symbolize the two lampstands.
For the construction of the first annex building, I tried to make a three-story building - the first and second floors for our convenience and the third for worshiping God. The fourth floor was not permitted at that time in this area because it was a military protected area, but God instructed me to build a four-story building. After much meandering, I constructed it as God showed. Without God’s help, I couldn’t have done it.
God instructed me to put the cross on the front side of the temple, where the bell tower is located, along with the shape of seven angels with trumpet and then the two branches of an Olive Tree on each side of the cross. Now you can see all of them as God instructed. I have been working on the construction as God showed.
After God officially told me the shape of the buildings in my vision, I tried to find out the region. I did not know where to find a mountain that matches the one in my vision. I visited several places to find the area that God showed me. But I couldn’t find the right place. So I took a look at the notes I had recorded God’s instruction and found the area