Chapter 41

“The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp” (Rev. 21:23). In the heavenly Banquet Hall that we are currently building on our mountain, I will make one of the rooms like the office room of kings in heaven. In order to mimic the office area, we need indirect light to make the area bright.

I am going to make twelve seats in the building to imitate the seats for the 144,000 in the heavenly Banquet Hall in heaven. In the spiritual world, one seat is about three square meters.

We also require screens. I am going to replicate the scene in which Jesus Christ will introduce the 144,000 one by one. I will play a video clip of construction work of our Harvest Temple area for each person and call the person saying, “Look, this is the scene showing that you worked hard for God when you were working for construction of this building.” The person will already have become older, but he will be touched by seeing his scene from when he was younger.

When I saw the scene, Jesus’ clothes were not bright and shining.

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Chapter 41

It was just like a night robe, similar to a towel. It was a little gray. So I am looking for that kind of cloth, because I want to wear it similar to the way Jesus Christ did. I will grow a beard like him. I am planning these procedures, because I have to mimic those so that you can feel it. I will present the scene as I saw it.

I’m very excited to show you the scene. I am grateful to God for letting me show you the scene in the model of the Hall. It will look like a fairy tale to you. But it will come true and be so amazing in the spiritual world.

I am going to make a model office to let you feel what the office will be like in the spiritual world. I will also decorate the office with gold-plating and pinchbeck.

John saw twenty-four thrones for twenty-four elders as described in Revelations. I will construct a throne that looks the same as what I saw in my vision. If someone is seated wearing an imitation of golden crown, he will look like the person that I saw in the vision. Whenever you listen to my words about the spiritual world, you may feel it is like a fairy tale. You may think, “He is lying for sure.” Therefore I always refer to the Bible to support my words.

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