Chapter 42

old, was praying to God while reading the prophecy of Isaiah after he finished his carpentry work.

I also saw a scene in which he took his cross on his shoulders in the court of Pilate, a scene in which he performed the miracle of feeding over five thousand people with two fish and five loaves of bread, and a scene in which people took down Jesus’ dead body from the cross. His corpse was yellowish at the time because his blood had been completely drained.

Because Jesus showed me scenes from his life and death two thousand years ago, I gained an understanding of his life. And he commanded me to witness what I saw. Therefore, I will show what I saw in pictures. You may accept those pictures as truth, but you may have difficulty to accept the picture of his current appearance as truth.

Other Christians does not consider this problem. They are not concerned with what Jesus’ appearance is. However, I am the servant of God who has to perform his spiritual work, so I was able to learn about Jesus who was glorified. What I am revealing now might be threatening to Christianity. It is difficult to believe that the appearance of Jesus

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Chapter 42

when he was in this world is different from his appearance after he went up to heaven. But it is true no matter whether you believe it or not.

Jesus told me, “If people see you, they see me and they will know everything about me.” and “I will give them my blessing through you.” The spiritual world has been revealed bit by bit. Today I am talking about the primitive life of the descendants of Adam and Eve after they were expelled from the Garden of Eden.

The Garden of Eden was not located on earth. Adam and Eve were living spirits when they were created. They were not made of flesh and bone. After they ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, their appearance changed. It took a certain time, it did not happen instantly. God expelled them from the Garden. After he drove Adam out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life (Gen. 3:24).

God prohibited Adam and Eve from entering the Garden again, meaning that their new place was different from the Garden of Eden. The new place is the earth. If the Garden

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