Chapter 42

were also on earth, it does not make sense because it would mean they were sent to the very same place from which they were expelled. In addition, the four creatures who are the chiefs of angels protected the Garden, indicating that Adam and Eve were also spirits.

If the Garden of Eden was on earth and we wanted to enter it, would we need to change from flesh to spirit? No, it would not be necessary. We would have been able to enter it in the flesh. However, the Bible tells us that we need to change to spirit, saying “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable” (1Cor. 15:42).

These words are more detail than those in Revelations. How amazing are the words in Revelations? But Jesus in Revelations was totally different from the man who was tortured and crucified on the cross. He was shining. His appearance was different from that when he had his body in this world. Now, for the first time I am going to reveal his appearance in picture. It will be so amazing and controversial to the people in the world. In order to prove the truth of what I’d like to show, I will show several scenes that I saw

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in the vision.

If a deaconess in our church passed away and saw Jesus in the spiritual world, she would immediately recognize him, saying “My Lord, Jesus!” Then he would reply to her, “You are able to recognize me, because you saw my face as a picture.” It would look like a fairy tale.

I had also thought Jesus’ appearance would be the same as when he was in this world. Therefore, when I saw him for the first time, I asked him, “Who are you?” Then he replied with a smile, “I am Jesus of Nazareth. Let’s go to my Father.” I will make pictures describing the scenes in which I saw God with Jesus Christ.

When God ordered angels to show me the Holy Castle to be made in the future, I was led to see the scenes. John the apostle also saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband (Rev. 21:2).

After we complete the construction of our temple area, I will put the scenes that God showed me as pictures in the lobby of the heavenly Banquet Hall. When other people see the introductory book translated to different languages

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