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14:1). They are the brides of the Lamb who wear fine linen (Rev. 19:7-8) and whose names are listed in the book of life of the Lamb (Rev. 21:27).

The 144,000 are not made in one generation. They are composed of those who were beheaded in the Old Testament days for the words of God and those who were martyred in the New Testament days for their testimony of Jesus (Rev. 20:4, 17:14). The Overcomer’s task is to complete the number.

God’s plan to demolish Satan extends over seven thousand years. The first two thousand year period is from Cain and Abel to Abraham, the second one is for from Abraham to Jesus, and the third one is for from Jesus to the Overcomer. After the Overcomer completes the number of the army in heaven, there will be an additional period of one thousand years during which the 144,000 will be trained for the war and then perform the war against Satan to accomplish the will of God.

In order to inform us his plan of the seven thousand years work, he made the history of Israel for seven hundred years from Abraham to the war in Canaan. Israel is a kingdom

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of priests and a holy nation among all human beings (Ex. 19:6). The history of Israel is the shadow of God’s providence (Heb. 8:5). The history in the Old Testament shows many shadows of the spiritual world. The fundamentals are that the history of Israel (Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, twelve sons of Jacob, twelve tribes of Israel, Canaan War, Division of the land, etc.) was a symbolic precursor to events that unfolded later (God, Jesus, the Overcomer, twenty four elders, the 144,000 [twelve tribes of the spiritual Israel], Armageddon War in spiritual world, the authority of kings in the new heaven and the new earth, etc.). Other symbols include Exodus, Passover, the sacrificial system, and so forth. But I will not discuss those here.

God created the earlier events of Israel so that they could serve as evidence later. Both the Overcomer and Jesus often refer to the events of Israel as parallel events of the plans that God had for them.

Abraham and God

Abraham executed the role of God. God called him ‘a blessing’ (Gen. 12:2) and let him change his name from Abram to Abraham, which means a father of many nations (Gen.

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