Chapter 42

armies of heaven 144,000, and become the head of them. Israel on earth was the shadow of the spiritual Israel.

John the apostle saw the New Jerusalem in his vision and it was surrounded by a wall with twelve foundations, on which the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb were written (Rev. 21:14). The city also had twelve gates. The names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates (Rev. 21:12). Twenty-four elders can be calculated by adding the twelve names on the foundations and the twelve names on the gates. Jacob had twelve sons, but they were the shadow of the twenty-four elders, who are representatives of the 144,000 of the Old and New testaments days, in the spiritual world.

The Overcomer will add the remaining numbers of the 144,000 and complete the twelve tribes of the spiritual Israel. The task of the Overcomer is described in Rev. 3:12 “Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on him my new name.” The

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Chapter 42

New Jerusalem means the brides of the Lamb who are the 144,000 righteous kings (Rev. 21:9-10). The names of the 144,000 will be written on the Overcomer, meaning that his task is to complete the members.

After the Overcomer accomplishes his task, he will be given authority over the nations and their 144,000 kings (Rev. 2:26). As Jesus Christ overcame all the obstacles to fulfill his duty and sat down with his Father on his throne, the Overcomer will receive the right to sit with Jesus on his throne (Rev. 3:21). He will receive the third highest rank in God’s world.

Jesus knew two thousand years ago that he needed two Overcomers. Now, the Overcomers have appeared and Jesus asked them to complete the number of the armies in heaven.

The twelve tribes in Israel and the 144,000

The twelve tribes of Israel are the shadow of the spiritual twelve tribes of Israel, the 144,000. The people in Israel were many, but the numbers of the people in the spiritual Israel are limited to 144,000 (Rev. 14:1).

Today, there are over one billion Christians in the world. The

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