Stephen was stoned and his head and nose were being broken, he said, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.”
Saints were not able to go to the Most Holy Place in heaven without martyrdom (Rev. 6:9). If they did not go to the Most Holy Place, they were dragged to Hades. Christians who do not know about the spiritual world cannot understand it.
David was a prophet and a king of Israel. God loved him and he received the prophecy that one of his descendants would come to the Earth as Messiah. At that time, he knew that only the descendant who was supposed to be the priest of Melchizedek could save God's servants from Hades. So let’s take a look at his prayer.
He wrote, “you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay” (Ps. 16:10). Because he understood from his vision that nobody could avoid Hades without his descendant, he prayed for his own salvation.
Many prophets were killed miserably. When Jesus gave me my duty and I started God’s work, Jesus said, “See!” I saw a dead body thirty meters in front of me, but it was headless. “It is the dead body of Paul. Look, Paul gave his whole