
Preface for the English version

In 2008, the book entitled ‘Is There the Kingdom of Heaven?’ was published in Korean. While I was working on publishing another book introducing the scenes that the Olive Tree (Rev. 11:3-4) saw in his visions recently, I thought it needed to translate this book into English so that foreigners could understand the background of his visions and the Providence of God.

After Christianity came to Korea over two hundred years ago, many people were martyred. During a period roughly spanning a century in the Joseon Dynasty, ten thousand Korean Catholics were killed. During the Japanese colonial era and under the North Korean communist regime, seven thousand Protestants were martyred. Martyrs are extremely

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valuable to God. They will be the armies in heaven and will perform the war against the armies of Satan in the spiritual world. Therefore, God wants martyrs. Jesus Christ referred to God’s armies as his 'fruits'.

By Zechariah God prophesied the two Olive Trees who will be anointed to serve him (Zech. 4:14). Jesus was crucified on the cross and then went up to heaven. He received the authority to sit to the right of God’s throne (Heb. 1:3) and took the book sealed with seven seals that God had on his right hand (Rev. 5:7). The book recorded God's providence and the names of the armies in heaven that God alone knew and worked to fill. After Jesus saw the book, he knew that he needed two Olive Trees as his witnesses (Rev. 11:3-4). As the time to select them came, he searched for the appropriate country to perform the work of the two Olive Trees. He chose Korea, where many people were martyred to keep their faith in God, and prophesied the coming of the two Olive Trees in Korea during the Japanese occupation through two priests.

Now, the second Olive Tree is working for God and Jesus Christ. In 1970, Jesus Christ introduced him to God personally

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