Chapter 8

8. Satan, the enemy of God

From the sermon on February 24, 2008

The spiritual world is very different from our living life, so it’s difficult to understand it if we do not know the principles of the spirit. But we will absolutely meet the spiritual world and we cannot avoid it. Because we live in the era of Jesus’ two witnesses for God’s providence in these days (Rev. 11:3-4), the hidden scenes in God’s providence are revealed so that we get to know what God planned at the beginning of the world.

I told you that God did not let humanity live near him. He put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden after he created them. Even though God appeared in the Garden of Eden, he did not live with Adam and Eve.

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Chapter 8

Even now people believe they will go to the kingdom of God after their death. But that’s not true. The kingdom of God is not the place everybody can go. The promise is made in Revelations. “Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God” (Rev. 21:3). This means that it would not have been happened yet. If that had already happened, that’s not a great promise. But since it’s not happened yet, it’s a tremendous blessing for humanity to live with God. It’s such a blessing.

Today, we are happy to believe in God because God ordered me to build the Harvest Temple and said himself, “Sheep following you will enter into my kingdom through this temple.” Even though our work looks small to other people, God communicates with us and gives us his words because our work is for the providence of God. Communication with God cannot happen just anywhere and anytime.

In Rev. 20:1-2, “And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand

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