Chapter 9

this, you might realize what our work would be for and what we need to accomplish.

The aim of our Lord Jesus' coming into this world was to be crucified on the cross, as he said (John 3:14). When Jesus came into this world, he was born as one of the People of Israel. God had taken care of the People of Israel to give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah.

God chose Abraham to prepare for the arrival of the Son of God, Jesus, as a human being into this world. So Abraham was called to prepare for the birth of Jesus, and Jesus was the last descendant of Abraham in God’s plan. That’s why Jesus said, “All the Prophets and the Law prophesied would be ended until John” (Matt. 11:13).

Because God wanted for his Son to be born as a descendant of Abraham, Abraham became the physical ancestor of Jesus. Abraham was chosen as the shadow, or symbol, of God. Therefore God said to Abraham that he will be a blessing (Gen. 12:2) and changed his name from Abram to Abraham, with a meaning of “a father of many nations” (Gen. 17:5).

God began to show the shadow of his son, Jesus, through

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Chapter 9

Abraham. Who was the shadow? It was Isaac, the son of Abraham who became the symbol of the Sacrifice of Jesus when God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a burnt offering on one of the mountains in the region of Moriah (Gen. 22:2). The mountain God indicated to Abraham was the place in which Golgotha hill is, where Jesus was crucified on the cross.

God already had a plan for the future when he chose Abraham. His plan involved that Abraham would be the shadow of God, Isaac, the son of Abraham would be the shadow of the son of God, Jesus, and then Jacob, the son of Isaac, would foreshadow the role of the Overcomer.

When God called Abraham, he explained his significance in God’s plan and promised him his blessing. When God chose Abraham, he had already formulated the plan to make his people. He told Abraham that he would build a great nation through him (Gen. 12:2).

In Abraham’s vision, it blew off the dust. God asked: “What do you see?”

“I see the dust blowing in the wind.”
“Can you count the dust?”

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