Abraham did not know God's entire plan, because God did not let him know all about his plan to work with him. “You must move to the place I order.” So his work began. He had to go to Canaan. He saw the land where his descendents would live. That’s why God sent him there.
God let his people do what humanity cannot do. He said Abraham would have many descendents. Abraham had a son, Ishmael, from his wife’s servant, Hagar. He thought himself, “Aha! many children may come from Ishmael” (Gen. 17:18). He had to have thought that because his wife could not have children. But that was Abraham’s thought.
God acknowledged his providence to him, “Abraham, you thought the descendents would be spread from your son, Ishmael, but that’s not true. Your wife will have a baby.”, “Dear God, my wife has not had a baby for a long time. How can she have a baby now?”
God does not work in a way that humanity thinks as possible according to our common sense. His work has always been beyond our common sense, because in that way we can recognize it as God’s work once it has the results God