Chapter 10

the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob - has sent me to you’” (Ex. 3:15). From that time, whenever the people of Israel referred to God, they said, “The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.”

Jesus ordered us pray to call God in another way. “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete” (John 16:24). It was a shift of covenant. Therefore, Christians pray in the name of Jesus instead of the name of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

Do you know the meaning of circumcision? God requires each of us to be willing to give everything, including even our life. Circumcision is a symbolic act that represents the willingness to offer our life with bleeding.

Sometimes, when people give offerings to an idol, they offer the life of a person. There is a Korean novel about fishermen who sacrificed a virgin girl to the gods of the ocean, dumping her body into the Yellow sea, the west sea of Korea, to keep them safe on their journey. In the world, there have really been many cases like this in history.

God did not want sacrifice of human beings, but he ordered

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the sacrifice of animals in the law of Moses. He instructed what animals should be prepared and how the animals should be treated for the sacrifice.

Whether the blood was from an animal’s sacrifice or human circumcision, it was the shadow (i.e. symbolic thing) that the Son of God would sacrifice on the cross. To announce that the blood from Jesus’ sacrifice would be to save people from sin later, God continued to let the people of Israel undergo circumcision and present animal’s blood on the altar for a sin offering.

Abraham followed the covenant as God instructed. Only several people were circumcised including Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac at that time. They were the only children of God. God did not take care of anyone else.

Today, our work is the same. God said to me (in 1974), “I chose you among four billion people in the world. No one can come to my kingdom except through you, because my providence is with you.” No one can understand this at all without learning the providence of God step by step. I told you that God always did things we could not understand. Humanity cannot judge his work. That’s how God works.

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