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was restored. God showed his power to encourage Moses to work for him.

We should know that a miracle is different from salvation. Did people get salvation when Jesus walked on the water? When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, were other dead people raised from the dead as well? No, not at all. Miracles are just for showing people the existence of God. But nowadays Christians confuse miracles with the principle of salvation. They are not connected to each other.

God said to Moses, “I will make you like a god in front of Pharaoh.” But when Moses performed the miracles like a god, could the Israelites accomplish their mission? No, they could not. When Moses opened the Red Sea, it did not guarantee for the Israelites that they would enter into Canaan.

The real aim God had when he called Abraham was to destroy Canaan. Why did God want to make a war against Canaan? That’s because of their sin (Gen. 15:16). God announced it to Abraham already. Therefore God ordered Moses to destroy Canaan (Ex. 23:23).

The mission of the Israelites was to completely destroy all

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the places in Canaan where the Canaanites had worshiped the god Baal and to establish an altar to worship God. That was the ultimate goal for God as described in the Bible (Deut. 12:2-3). But if the goal had not been obtained, it would be meaningless to perform miracles and to let people eat manna from heaven.

Canaan war was the shadow of a spiritual war in future. Revelations refers to it as the war of Armageddon (Rev. 16:16). Israel was the shadow of God’s army and Canaan was the shadow of the Devil’ army. The final goal of God’s will is to destroy his enemy, Satan.

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